In February, Cindy and Donavan went to American Cruise Line headquarters, who we’ve partnered with for many years. While there, they met people, toured the office, and got to visit the shipyard and see the new American Constellation!

Yesterday, this arrived:

American Cruise Lines sent us this beautiful model of the American Constellation! The details are amazing, and we each take turns running into the room to look at it. We’ve just been in awe!

Can you imagine yourself sitting on one of these chairs on your stateroom balcony? That line of windows is the dining room. And the upper right corner is the pilot house! (I think we need a little Captain figure to put there, looking out over the waters!)

And here’s the bow of the ship:

You can see an outdoor eating area, as well as lounge chairs. And that green spot on the top deck is a putting green.

Thank you, American Cruise Lines, for this amazing gift! It makes a beautiful addition to our office, and a great visual of the ship for our clients.

Click here to learn more about the American Constellation,
or give our agents a call: (800) 578-1479.
